Wednesday, March 9, 2011

3 Month Anniversary

Three months ago we opened the doors of our first Bricks and Mortar Store.  It has been a cold, wet, snowy, miserable winter, yet, we have survived. 

I have shoveled more snow than I thought I ever would.  But business is good.  People are finding us and hitting our website.  I have hired our first employee. 

I have been busy sourcing product from all around the world, our shelves are full.

I have some of the most unique Pagan Products in Kingston.  Unique and one of a kind is what we are striving for.

April 8th is our Oracle Night, we have 6 readers lined up, a few faithfuls and a couple of new readers to our Oracle night.

Life is Busy but Fun!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010


In the past couple of days a number of people I have respected in this community have shown my that I have misjudged them.  It really is a shame.  This has hurt my business and personal relationships with them.  I wonder if they realize that their actions and words have affected our relationships. 

The really hard thing for me to swallow is the fact that with all of these issues a simple conversation would have worked out the details, and solved all of the problems.  Actually they did not even have to be face to face it could have been emails.  Sad isn't it, that in today's society of cell phones, smart phones, portable computers that no one had the time or inclination to contact anyone when issues arose.

And before you ask, yes I did go to the source's when I found out about the concerns and tried to placate people.  Unfortunately, it was to late.

So today's lesson for me is that when I see an issue I will always try to have a conversation about it, so that it does not fester and become a mountain.  With my current issues they are mountains, with shark infested waters surrounding them and electrified barbed wires covering it.

It really is to bad, but on the bright side, more people have come into my life that I can start anew with.  I am really looking forward to fostering these relationships, and with some people the respect just grows stronger!!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Home at Last

After 2 months of travel I have arrived home.  I have a mountain of paperwork on my desk to do.  I have a mountain of work in my shop to do.  I have cleared the messages from the answering machine and emptied my email.  My youngest son said to hubby it will be nice to have my mom around... I have seen him for about 12 and a half minutes. :)  I guess he just needs to know I am here.

A busy two months ahead of me with shows and events.  I am at the Diva Show, NGB Studio tour, Gift Giving show, Festivity, and Kingston Holiday Fayre.  Yes some of the events are on at the same time.  But I have figured out how to duplicate myself!!  Actually family and friends are pitching in.  I  just hope that they know that they get paid in SOAP!!
I hope to see some of you at these shows

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Have arrived in Glastonbury!!  YAY.  Thinking I am a bit jet lagged... it is one in the morning here.   I have seen a friend or two, and traded a nice lady a tin of Timmys for a silver charm.   We are both very happy with our trades.  Did a bit of shopping books, food and wine.  Have been very adventurous driving the car around, apart from one mistake yesterday all is good.  Got to the car opened the door and looked in, couldn't figure out where the foot pedals were. (did not even look for the steering wheel)  Then I realized I was on the passenger side of the car.  Got in was very red in the face and giggled my way to where Ruth was waiting with the suitcases.  To her credit she said nothing about it till I brought it up.  

Only once did I try to turn on to the wrong side of the road, I am sure the other driver has started breathing again by now.  Today I drove into Street to pick up a few things we could not get here in Glastonbury.  No problems at all. 

Well off to try and sleep again.
Night all

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

5 days left!!

Where did the time go.  I had lots of time to get ready.  These past few days have been taken up with all sorts of unusual things.  Who but me needs to visit their accountant in August??   A show on the weekend resulted in a trip to the pharmacy to get bactine for all the sand flea bites.  Even my family feels bad for the state of my ankles and legs.  Off on a shopping expedition with a friend and we did find red sheets for her.  Now today I can start my normal weekly stuff.  But wait gotta train Pat on the book keeping programme and get mailer envelopes to mail out pay cheques while away.  And we are out of coffee this morning.  So first things first.  Coffee, a trip into town (Cookes) for coffee and the bank and the envelopes.  Then home, then off and running again.  Today will be the official run around day.  Tomorrow is hair day.  Yup no more gray.  Friday is shipment day, so orders going to BC and Alberta.  And the winner of the prize on Staceys blog will go out as well.  Yay!!  Might have to make shipment day Thursday to give Friday a home day.  Then I can maybe pack.  LOL if you know me at all you know I did that 3 weeks ago. 
Off to scrounge some coffee from the neighbours,  So glad that Tim Horton moved across the way.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Bad Blogger!!

I am such a bad blogger.  I always have good intentions but then real life gets in the way.
I have had such a busy summer with shows and working towards Pagan Pride Day in Kingston, that some of the personal stuff just got away from me. 

Right now I am getting ready for my next big adventure, five weeks in Glastonbury!!  Very excited.  Some how I managed it, not quite sure how, but excited, happy, scared, and a little sad all at the same time.

Leaving family, dog and home to the care of the males, should be an interesting experience for all of them.

Right now I am trying to figure out how to telecommute for the business stuff.  So frustrated but learning.

More another time

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Last week was a rough week for me personally. I don't want to dwell on it. Actually with all that has happened to family and friends this year, I really want a do over!! But I know we are not going to get one. I say it was a rough week for me, in actuality it is a rougher week for the people I love who are going through all their troubles, I really am just a concerned friend or loving family member.

Seeing people you love suffer is not easy, but really I am just an observer. I am here to help, and have to know that in some cases I really can not fix it. As good as my magick wand is, it is not going to bring back friends who have passed over, or cure cancer. It is not going to make my sons attackers stop and think before they do it again. (and they will)

I think that what last week has taught me is that I just need to accept some things and learn from them.

But if I could have one wish, it would be that Philip would be able to go to his daughters graduation in the fall. This is not likely to be granted so lets hope he can dance with her at her prom.